Erin Buehler

Photo of Erin Buehler

Ph.D. Alumna

What was your background before entering the PhD program?
BS in Computer Science, Eastern Washington University
MS in Human-Centered Computing, UMBC

Tell us a little about your research.
My research examines how students with different abilities learn and utilize emergent technologies. In particular, I am studying how students with and without disabilities work together while exploring digital fabrication tools.

What do you like best about the HCC program at UMBC?
Our faculty represent a very diverse research landscape, offering students lots of opportunities to gain exposure to new subject areas. It’s an intimate program, but maintains a strong research presence. Our faculty are able to offer a lot of individualized attention for graduate students when they are first entering the program. As one progresses, those same faculty members are comfortable relinquishing control which promotes students in their independent development as researchers.